Corona COVID 19



The coronavirus is a type of a virus that can cause infection in humans. It is responsible for several severe illnesses, including the SARS outbreak in 2003-2004. There are three types of coronaviruses: human, Bovine and Porcine

How Coronavirus is transmitted

Coronaviruses are transmitted through the air, and they can be spread in this way. They can also be transmitted via coughing and sneezing, touching objects that have been contaminated with the virus (such as a sneeze), or touching your nose or mouth without washing your hands first.

If you think someone might have the coronavirus on their clothes, do not touch them! Instead, use soap and water to clean yourself thoroughly with warm water before washing any clothing that may have come into contact with their saliva or sweat.

Symptoms of the disease

Fever. The most common symptom of corona is fever, which may be accompanied by chills and/or abdominal pain.

Cough. Other symptoms of corona include wheezing and coughing up mucus or blood-tinged stool (hemoptysis). It's also possible to develop pneumonia due to the fact that your body has been weakened by the virus, making it more susceptible to bacterial infections like pneumonia or bronchitis.* Sore Throat/Headache (malaise). Another common symptom of corona is an ache in your throat or head (malaise); this could be accompanied by nausea and vomiting if you're lucky enough not have severe throat pain.* Muscle Aches/Diarrhea (myalgia). If you experience muscle aches along with diarrhea then it may be time for some acetaminophen pills! There are other types of medications available if needed but these two seem to work best overall when treating this condition."

Precautionary measures

If you've been exposed to the contagious disease, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid touching any part of your eyes, nose and mouth. If possible, stay away from people who are infected with this disease until they can be treated at a hospital or clinic.

Wash your hands, stay away from people and protect yourself

Wash your hands often.

Stay away from people who are sick.

Don't touch your eyes, nose and mouth (if you do, wash your hands).


There is no cure for the disease. You can only ward off it by taking proper precautions and maintaining your immune system.
