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A high-quality oil tanker with two crew members – two of them in black – on board. A crew member (not shown), is also aboard the tanker. One of the people on board is a woman who is black, and the other is Caucasian, but has an American flag tattooed across her chest.

The second crew member is a white woman who was only in her 20s, according to the crew member.

Brief look at what is behind an explosion at a tanker from the scene.

Video of the scene posted to Facebook.

"A few hours before the explosion was heard by various media outlets, several passengers at the Port of Houston were heard on the intercom saying that the people of color were onboard, apparently in a military uniform. There are many reports of people being injured and dead in the vicinity. But we don't have confirmation of the injuries reported. However, we find it highly likely that one of the people on board injured is from Texas or Louisiana for those who may be affected by this."

The tanker carrying around 15,000 barrels of crude oil was destroyed Saturday morning as a fire in the Gulf of Mexico sparked fire.

More than 30 people, including more than 300 employees, were arrested in the aftermath of the fire and transported from the facility to Dallas. Fourteen crew members were injured. Four of them were treated at a hospital.
